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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

I’m back!

Man, it has been a while,
Since I penned these thoughts inside,
It’s been a minute, since
I sat down and recorded the thoughts deep inside,
A while since my reflections were spread on paper,
And shared with those brave enough to perceive,
Or I dare say, bored enough to read.

I always thought it was too simple, this,
These crafted poems captured by a young girl’s heart,
Making sure this rhymed with that,
And married words in a strong bond of sorts, to awaken love,
To inspire hope and generate peace,
So I am declaring myself back,
For many things must I paint on this paper so blank,
And seek to also cause goose bumps to stimulate the coldest of hearts,
So here I am, back,
May God inspire these hands, ‘coz I know, He’s definitely got my back.