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Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Beba beba.........are u on board??This is a free ride, you like free stuff don’t ya? Anyhoo,  Karibu sana, been a long time since I did a post...but this should shake things up a little. So today morning I saw a matatu named "Soi tu Duena" ata walisahau kuongeza 'women of steel' or something like that but then again, I did not get to see the other side of the mat,hmmm. Can you imagine that, yaani out of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaallll the names in the world, they chose this. Next you'll tell me you saw a matatu written "Teresa"or "Shree" *gags*
and thus this post was born, I decided to check out names of matatus since the cops hapo Nyayo and Uhuru highway decided that the cars on the other lanes are more deserving than us :'(. Well some of the names I saw, many of which I did not understand, are listed below: 
1.      Boeing 747: Imagine that. What are they trying to say? That when you board this matatu it can literally take off at any point in time ;-)
2.     Mtoto wa Sonko. Muhahahaha, ati mtoto wa sonko? Now that is what I call 'matatu ya ufala'!!!If these are the children he is giving off……….
3.      Plaayaz. This is one bad ass matatu, I presume…it plays your ass by taking on other passengers when you’re not around, hate the game dude, not the playa!!! ;-)

4.      JOKER. I only wrote that in capital because that is how it is displayed on the matatu. I guess they kid around a lot and you could pull one on you, but you cannot say you weren’t warned. You know those times a mat suddenly just decides it does not feel like going to town anymore and you’re dragged to some other random mat and the guys in it stare at you badly LIKE YOU CHOSE TO ENTER THAT MATATU!!! *sigh*
5.      Circular. I guess this is because it is always going a-round the town?! ;) They must have really ran out of options; and if they get a sister matatu what will they call it? Oval? Rectangle?
6.      Dream wave. Whenever you’re in this matatu, do you feel like you’re in a dream of some sort? Wave if this is true!! Heh heh
7.      Yakamete. I have no idea what the hell that means.
8.      I saw a bus written ‘Peter Kingáras courtesy bus’ Yaani he just has to be very specific in case his bus got lost? Or for all his enemies to know that, he just is the business man he proclaims to be.
9.     Jabez. Maybe this is one of those matatu that have inspirational stickers based on Christianity; perhaps the owner was truly moved by the prayer of Jabez!
10.  Soi tu Duena obviously takes the trophy; either it is owned by a woman or a man’s wife who has got the upper hand in the relationship.
11.  I have also once seen a matatu written…wait for it…wait for it….Google; that was kinda awesome;-)
Feel free to add any other you know, coz these are the ones I spotted within a span of about twenty minutes, I can only imagine what else is out there. Enjoy the ride ;)
#Np Matatu (beba beba) – Suzanna Owiyo

Here are some matatu stickers: some I saw, most I just stole from twirra ;)

wewe si supuu kunywa supu uive.. #MatatuStickers

Tafadhali funga dirisha..Ungetaka upepo ungepanda bodaboda: #MatatuStickers

Kama unahara shuka ukimbie #matatustickers

Kama ni hague naenda,kama ni hell siendi! #matatustickers 1 Aug

"Mwili, Urembo Na Maringo Yake, Wote ni Chakula cha MCHWA" #matatustickers

Kama hukununulia hapa,usikulie hapa e.g njugu,chips,ndizi na kadhalika' #matatustickers
kama una haraka ungepanda jana  #matatustickers

'Wenye haraka walienda na ambulance' #matatustickers

Kutapika na kuchafua gari ni mia, kushuta ni sare #matatustickers


  1. very funny indeed. kenyan matatus

  2. they are such comedy :) Thanks for reading!!

  3. hahaha go to buru buru there are worse :)

  4. Google is my route sixty thate fae....hallaaaaa:)))))

  5. for real? hehehe... for a long time have I searched for that matatu :-) huko ata ni wapi?:?-D
