So one fine afternoon in my awesome life, I had an awesome ‘fake’ dream that constituted of a few awesome bloggers. Honestly, I could not stop smiling sheepishly as these images formed themselves vividly in my awesome mind.
Firstly a bloggers’ union without @Wamathai would be legally termed as an epic fail, I tell you. At first, I could not even bring myself to speak to him bana, MAD RESPECT! #stalkertendencies J But when shy ol’ me finally found my voice, I started a Q&A with him and it was a Monday, so go figure. I asked all those random questions he likes to throw on guys and he actually answered all of them. He was as nice as I had always imagined. Again, #stalkertendencies
Lo! And behold, even @Writel was there. The mad, but talented poetess actually came through. Imagine she took time off twirra and her awesome blog to feature in my awesome dream; legendary!! *sniff sniff* She was as crazy as I had always envisioned. Her blog is a must-read by the way, just so you know.
Kidogo tu, @boyfulani checks in. *dances* At first, I think I’m the only one who noticed him (I had leakage :) coz he likes to do this thing where he plays incognito hapo manzo; but a cigarette or two later and the craziness was unleashed. It was freaking unbelievable! I doubt I have laughed that hard….EVER!!
Kidogo tu, @boyfulani checks in. *dances* At first, I think I’m the only one who noticed him (I had leakage :) coz he likes to do this thing where he plays incognito hapo manzo; but a cigarette or two later and the craziness was unleashed. It was freaking unbelievable! I doubt I have laughed that hard….EVER!!
And then it happened. I must admit it was the moment I had reeeeeeally been waiting for. There he was. @Crazynairobian in the flesh. #Excitos Yes, Crazy Nairobian mwenyewe, and he had his face on, not that ka T-sho he used to spot, ama that ka sunny animationJ OR that cartoon boy as his avatar on twirra, heh heh A handsome fella, if the dream is anything to go byJ and he dutifully cracked us up with those funny stories he cooks up when he is (or is not) smoking something illegal.J
The drinks were flowing (I had really invested :), jokes being thrown in here and there and I was having the time of my life!!!! Then suddenly *insert dramatic music here*, everyone was quiet. All this in recognition of one well known blogger (just check his hits). It was none other than @georgiendirangu with fashion sense written. Or rather, rightly placed all over him, how now would he go unnoticed? The ladies had to struggle to control themselves because thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat fellllllllllllaaaaa (I did that coz he likes to ‘blog’ like thatJ ) is good to look at; DAMN, si mumeona mbisha? 2Die4! (See what I did there? :) Now I do not know how it happened but his wifey was there. Uumm, In MY blogger dream; amevalishwa a shirt written ‘Porgies!” Si you know how he can be? But she brought color to the dream :)
My dream would definitely been incomplete without the INSANE madness of one @m_dblogger. Yaani, I cannot overstate this. Everyone was as excited as this dreamee (I did that coz he likes to make words up :) No sooner had he arrived than he began to spread his madness with killer jokes -the dirty type- coz that is just how he rolls. Check him out ucheke, kwanza that latest post!:)
Awesome music, the party was jumpin’ jumpin’ and everyBlogger was having the time of their virtual lives. Of course all of us were on our toes because word had it that @MediaMK had shown up, lurking about fishing for his………..………or her next victim, you know how he……….……or she can be J; you never know the day nor the hour…………….. J
It was all too much and I had to take some time to just sit my quiet fine self *cough cough* looking, okay; STARING at these guys with admiration, okay; ENVY. These bloggers, with their thousands of blog views, and me, with my two blog views, in the same damn room…*sign*
Kidogo tu, I hear “Njeriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” CRAP! Time to ‘fake’ wake up! :( My awesome dream had come to a sad drastic end. Had I the whole day to sleep, I know it would have featured the many other very awesome bloggers (@atibelle ’s @akelove ‘s @EdGicovi ‘s ; their blogs are so lovely, I swear :)
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I had to mboch. (Refer to post “Mboch Chronicles”)
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I had to mboch. (Refer to post “Mboch Chronicles”)
Short notes:
‘Awesome’ is my favorite word.
@crazynairobian and @Wamathai‘s were crazy enough to feature me in their awesome blogs.
I am a twirra addict that is why I have referred to these blogger using their twirra handles.
Check out their blogs J